By: Danielle Hatch

David Russell Levick, 57, 澳大利亚的, was sentenced to 2 years in prison on four counts of violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. Levick knowingly violated the Office of Foreign Assets Control (外国资产控制办公室) regulations when he worked as a middle man to obtain precision pressure transducers, emergency floatation system kits, and shock mounted light assemblies for a trading company in 伊朗. These all require a license from 外国资产控制办公室 to export to 伊朗.

According to plea documents, Levick, the general manager of ICM Components, Inc., placed orders with US companies on behalf of the 伊朗ian company for the goods. He also used a broker in Florida who would order the parts to further conceal the fact that they were intended to be transshipped to 伊朗.

These illegal exports occurred between 2007 and 2008, Levick was indicted in February 2012 and was extradited from 澳大利亚 in December 2018. After Levick serves his prison term, 他将欠199美元,227 which is the value of the goods involved in the illegal exports. He will also be subject to deportation proceedings.

Department of Justice Release: